EEC joins hands with Mae Fah Luang University to upgrade personnel production in the EEC

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EEC joins hands with Mae Fah Luang University upgrading education and the production of personnel in the EEC area to lead the development of new-generation teachers in foreign languages to create personnel to support foreign investment It is expected that there will be a demand of more than 4.7 hundred thousand people.


Dr. Kanit Sangsuphan, Secretary-General of the Eastern Economic Corridor Policy Office (OHEC.) revealed after the signing ceremony of a memorandum of cooperation on human resource development in the field of education between OHEC and Mae Fah Luang University that the Eastern Special Development Zone (EEC) project is an important policy. government to upgrade the Thai economy through the middle-income trap to a high-income country with 12 target industries or S Curve


Specialized personnel are required. and have advanced skills to support these industries because if there is a lack of people who have the ability to drive It is difficult to attract these industries to set up production bases in the country. Therefore, OHEC has studied and researched the needs of 12 target industries in the EEC area. It was found that the estimated demand for personnel in the EEC area in Duration 5 years

Currently, EEC has cooperated with Mae Fah Luang Damnoen University. “Project to develop competency in managing a model school for the use of foreign languages ​​for both teachers and students in the EEC area (English – Chinese) at the secondary level and network schools in the area to raise the level of education management to an international level in the use of foreign languages” with significant advances

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