Intelligent Electronics

Intelligent Electronics

Thailand has established itself as a global leader in
high-tech industry for a long time.

In the coming years, the growth potential of this sector will help Thailand
play a leading role in the intelligent electronics industry in the Southeast Asia region.

Electronics industry is significant to Thailand's export sector.

Develop and create new innovations and enhance research to meet future business needs

Availability of skilled workers

Thailand currently has over 753,000 workers in the electronics industry sector, equipped with knowledge, skills and experience to support and drive business growth.

Strong production and export base

Thailand is one the world’s largest manufacturers and exporters of hard disk drives (HDDs), amounting to more than 30% of the global market. The efficient production capabilities and other factors have made Thai electronics industry well-recognized, reaching top ranking globally.

Intelligent Electronics in EECd

Growth through new technologies with EECd


Manage, oversee, and develop business with Ecosystem model

Software Development Center

Develop automotive industry system with software and technology by a team of experts who are automotive system developers

Drive your organization with information & insights

We provide a Data Center, a key component to the business with benefits to the industry.

Promote digitalization

We partner with leading distributors, manufacturers and top-notch experts to set the direction, create value and reach core industry goals.

Digital Industry Analysis

We digitally connect resources such as customer relationship management (CRM), employee communications, financial information, human resources information, and transaction data & information, etc. to drive to succeed in sales and production.

Consulting Service

We provide comprehensive advice for all aspects, starting from business model to production process and distribution.

Intelligent Electronics News