Advanced Agriculture and Biotechnology

Advanced Agriculture and Biotechnology

Agriculture and biotechnology ready for future growth Thailand is moving towards becoming a biotechnology hub of Asia.

These two key industries are vital to Thailand since Thailand is a country with high biodiversity and is a leader in R&D of agricultural innovations and biotechnology.

Based on the availability of resources and various supporting factors,

Thailand is ready to be a leader in agricultural and biotech innovations. 

Agricultural and Biotech innovations

The National Biotechnology Development Policy (2555-2564 /2012-2021) prioritizes R&D to enhance the country’s competitive capabilities. Thailand is one of the best destinations for biotechnology investment due to the readiness in the infrastructure with R&D technology development center for continuing advancement.

Factors supporting the biotechnology industry

Thailand is located in a tropical climate. Approximately half of the country’s land area is for agriculture. As a result, Thailand has high potential to develop research centers in biotechnology, particularly in the EEC area, which is one of the main areas for sugarcane plantation consisting of large sugarcane and cassava processing projects.

Advanced Agriculture and Biotechnology industry in EECd


Providing agriculture-related and agricultural services by providing information, advice, equipment, materials, and technology equipment for agricultural industries


Digital Agriculture

We provide digital agriculture services. EECd is equipped with the ability to manage and turn the inefficiency of agricultural implementation in traditional crop types into maximum efficiency.

Driven by digital data

EECd data & information will be applied for agricultural businesses as farmers’ decision-making tools on what to produce, where to produce and when to produce on the farm, including the sale of agricultural products.

Smart agricultural innovations

We partner with leading distributors, manufacturers, and sales teams to increase business values and generate profits via digital innovations.

Smart farmers

EECd provides training and development for today’s farmers to be ready for a changing future.

Consulting service

We arrange support and consultation on agricultural technology and biology provided by Thai researchers and experts.

Agriculture and Biotechnology News