EECd continues to join the Taipei Computer Association and match up with high-potential Taiwanese businessmen Bringing digital investments to the EEC area

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Recently, Dr. Ganes Wangpaijit, Assistant Secretary-General for the Industrial Promotion and Digital Innovation Zone (EECd) gave an opening remark. and special lectures About the EECd project at the Thailand and Taiwan EECd BCG Industry Collaboration and Online Business matchmaking event organized by the Taipei Computer Association (Computer Association Taiwan) together with EECd and Thailand Trade Economic Office, Taipei. In this event, there were special speakers such as Mr. Angsutorn Wasuwan Deputy Director, Investment Strategy and Promotion, EEC ; Mr. Wen-Yi Huang, VP Agricultural Technology Research Institute, Taiwan; Mr.Gordon Yu, Director Taiwan Green Industry Alliance; Mr. Sun Tao Heng, MD Charoong Thaiware and Cable and Mr. Lobo You, VP New Kimpo Group.

In addition, EECd has organized an Online Business Matchmaking section in the Executing Plan for Business Expansion to EECd in Thailand to discuss investment opportunities in the EECd area and establish cooperation with the EEC in the digital field with member organizations of the Taipei Computer Association. next

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