Areas in EECd

Embracing EECd digital experiences and innovations in one place

A hub for innovative businesses, factories, exhibitions, omni-channel public relations,
surrounded by green spaces as part of the city of the future


Commercial of the Future

Area that comprises a new generation of living ecosystems Support personnel working within the EECd project and residents around the project area. 

Translational Digital Technology Zone

A space for digital technologies IoT, 5G, Cloud, AI/Big Data, Blockchain, etc. to support the development of future industries. 



Digital Education Zone

Ecosystem integrated space to support digital technology R&D for the future industry and digital learning center.


The center of utilities such as electricity, water, wastewater, waste, etc., managed by IoT, AI and Big Data technology.



EECd Center Point

Central service area, EECd office is located and is a central point for various service center. It is also a recreation and relaxation area of EECd.

Digital Sandbox Zone

Area for supporting the production of innovative digital products that supports production for R&D and small-scale production with automated technology.



Ecosystem Alliances